Life reflections

Wherever you go—there you are. That means that it doesn’t matter if you change cities, change jobs, change friends. If you don’t change YOU, you’ll just attract the same things all over again. You have to change your mind to change your life.

People every where stop talking to certain people, or move out of dead end towns every day. All with the hopes that they can stay out of trouble or finally be successful. Some of these people do exactly what they set out to do–many don’t.

What determines the difference? Character. Those who succeed leave the negativity behind. Those who don’t carry it around everywhere they go. They can never escape it because it is within them. We attract who we are.

“You cannot have a negative mindset and live a positive life.”

Who you are at your core is the seed that you plant everywhere you go with every relationship you make. All “true” change starts within us. We have to start with the person in the mirror. You have to change your mind to change your life.

“The unexamined thought is not worth thinking”.

Positive vibes for positive minds.

Love y’all.

Author: Alfredo G. Delgado

Hi there! 😃 I’m Alfredo. I’m a John Maxwell certified motivational speaker, coach, trainer and behavioral consultant! I do my best to share positive and motivating content that revolves around clarity of life, leadership, communication and goal setting. I look forward to sharing our thoughts together on our journey to be the best version of ourselves we can be, in the pursuit of conquering our goals. I wish you the very best. 🙏🏻

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